Welcome to the Board of Airline Representatives
Business Association Website

The Board of Airline Representatives Business Association (BAR) is the only legal entity in Thailand able to represent the collective views of its current 60 airline and aviation related  members. Its mission is to represent the interests of its member airlines with Government bodies, other aviation, transport, airline and tourism/travel associations, airport operators, regulators and the general public in order to encourage optimum conditions in which to conduct their civil aviation business. BAR and its members are working to promote the growth and development of a sustainable, robust and reliable aviation, travel and tourism industry in Thailand, for the benefit of all stakeholders.

The BAR does NOT engage its members in areas involving pricing policies, agency remunerations, or other matters of a commercial or competitive nature between members and/or their distribution channels.  The BAR is careful to ensure that its activities do not contravene either local or foreign antitrust or competition rules.

Print Date: Saturday 8th of February 2025 05:46:19 PM
URL: https://barthailand.org/